Hurricane Ivan 2004

Anything On The Curb Is Free

Hurricane Flag Hurricane Flag

E- Mail           Copy Write 09/30/2004 ©   Updated  2/13/2006            E- Mail

King Neptune Art

After surviving several direct hits and near misses in the past.

King Neptune decided to visit the Gulf Coast.

"Once Again!"

"Ivan" September 2004.

The last time King Neptune took a personal interest in my boat was shortly after I bought her in 1997. The weather folks called the visit hurricane Danny. My boat was damaged in an exposed slip out on Big Lagoon. King Neptune was reminding me in person I had failed to properly name the boat. There was damage to the mast, and standing rigging,

Ivan from space Hurricane Ivan

I am of the delusion King Neptune wanted to come by in person to inspect my boat once again. After Hurricane Danny I made sure to get the name "Don't Ask" on my boat, apparently Neptune was satisfied with my boat. The mast was tied up along the eves of my house, there was no damage to it. The boom, whisker pole and other gear was stored in my car port "no damage", even though the roof of the carport was ripped off and the block concrete walls knocked down. I had wrapped the boat with two smaller tarps over the pop top and one larger tarp over the boat. There was very little left of the larger tarp, the other two smaller tarps were still in place.

Blue Mule

Just to show me who is boss he decided to remove my car port to inspect the pickup truck. I bought a few months ago to eventually tow the boat around. The car port is concrete block and framed wood attached to the house. Apparently he liked the truck; it was undamaged as Neptune ripped off the roof of the carport. As I mentioned before, the boom, whisker pole and a bunch of other boat stuff was in the carport and laundry room no damage.

The carport roof was ripped off and deposited along side the house in big chunks; I have not found much of the rolled roofing that covered it. I guess Neptune needed it! The roof on the house held all roof vents were smashed; there were a few small holes punched in the roof decking and many small holes punched through the roofing material. There was damage to the electrical system that feeds the carport and laundry room and the natural gas line that feeds the whole house was ripped apart. With all the roof vents damaged and the few holes in the roof we got some water damage in the house. As much damage as we had, there are neighbors that were damaged even worse.


Before the storm

My house before the storm

Before the storm

Escambia County Property Assessors took this photo

The day after the storm

Blue Mule undamaged the day after

Pensacola's Blue Tarps

Blue tarps covered the laundry room

Carport roof decking in the side yard

Roof decking and downed limbs

All gutted and cleaned up

Exterior gutted and cleaned

The cost to repair
the house
started getting close to the
pre Ivan market value.
We finally had to admit
it was better
to knock the house down
and build a new one.

D - Day Photos

I still have mixed feelings about this day

New House Plans

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You too can be a "Red Neck"



Under Attack


King Neptune watches TV


Thanks so much for your help

There are so many folks to thank for their time an effort. Many of which I will never know their names.
You know who you are and thanks for the effort.

Myrtle Grove Baptist Church among many others hosted a massive effort to help with the recovery. They housed some folks during the storm, provided a place to live for some who lost everything and allowed the use of the church facilities for the Red Cross, volunteer disaster recovery teams and so much more.

After a day or two I began to settle down to the routine of dig out.
On a regular schedule a Red Cross food van patrolled the neighborhood providing food and water.
It sure made my life simpler to have a hot meal delivered.


Do you know how you got here?

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