Bucaneer Days

Copy Write 4/1/2000 ©   Updated  2/13/2006

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As a young child I remember sailing with my Dad on his wooden hand made board boat on the beaches of Honolulu Hawaii. Many years later as an adult I sailed with my Dad occasionally on a fiberglass sunfish style boat on Lake of the Pines in North East Texas. From those days long ago until December 25th 1985 all my sailing was limited to an occasional sunfish style boat or a small Hobbie Cat. A Christmas Present

December 25th 1985 was the first time I actually owned a sail boat.
Years ago Wellcraft Marinebuilt a Starwind 18' a Bucaneer Class sailboat, when the production line stopped a guy bought the old hulls and finished them up as he sold them. My bride to be bought me one of the boats as a Christmas Gift. Considering the fact my wife does not sail and hasn't a clue about boats she did very well indeed. The boat was kept at Sarasota Sailing Squadron on a trailer. Bailing her out

Many hours were spent sailing Sarasota Bay, occasionally slipping out the pass and into the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico excursions were always close to shore. I never had a motor for the boat, retuning to the dock by dark was a must. For the most part there were few miss-adventures. Unfortunately, there are few photographs of this time.

Eventually the decision was made to move north to Pensacola Florida. I left the boat at the sailing squadron for a year eventually selling her to a club member.
I went for many years without a sailboat.
Until that fate full day in June of 1997 when I spotted "Don't Ask".


There are only a few "adventures" of note with this boat.
Most of the time things went well and a good time was had by all.

Sea Story    Knocked Down    Long Boat Pass



The information on this page is not intended as a "definitive" guide to sailing .
Rather it is a collection of things that work for me also ideas I have learned from other sources.
The information is specific to my Starwind 18'a18' Buccaneer Class Sailboat.
The sailing area was the Sarasota Bay Area
Use at your own risk
Any good sailing resource book should provide a comprehensive review of sailing theory.

Do you know how you got here?

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